The Stage Fringe Review 2003

“His skill – physical and verbal – is absolutely extraordinary. The sheer originality is spellbinding…”
The Stage, 2003

The less you know about Count Arthur Strong the better, He runs a performing arts school in Doncaster and considers himself a local luminary. He runs lecture tours like this one on the Bible and last year’s ruminations on the ancient Egyptians – and he seems to have many problems, drink being one. but that is about it and that is how is should be.

Because it is far better just to bask in the hilarious lunacy of Steve Delaney’s act, his guffaw out loud ramblings – always best when he is talking about something specific – and fierce outbursts where he seems like a Tourettes sufferer without the swearing.

He may not be to everyone’s tastes but I for one was on the floor, helpless with laughter. His skill – physical and verbal – is absolutely extraordinary. The sheer originality is spellbinding. The set pieces are brilliant in places.

One of my favourites was his attempt to master a dictaphone. He thought it would answer him and became increasingly frustrated, eventually screaming his “autobook” – his autobiography – into the mouthpiece. Even better was his finale, a singalong where Arthur peeked out of the head of Christ in Leonardo’s Last Supper. But you will have to see that one for yourself.

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