Is There Anybody Out There (DVD)

£11.99 inc VAT

As well as being the all round entertainer we all know and love from the telly, Count Arthur Strong is also a lifelong fan of astronomy, since having been given a microscope, or whatever it is they use, for Christmas when he was a small precocious baby. In fact it’s said the first word he spoke was ‘Uranus’. In this, his brand new show, he seamlessly combines the very best showbiz entertainment you’ll currently find, in the world, possibly? as he wrestles with some of the big questions that other all round entertainers shy away from. Such as:

  • Are we alone in the universe?
  • Is there life on Mars bars?
  • 2lbs of potatoes.
  • Packet of ginger nuts.
  • Don’t lose this shopping list.

“Great wads of laughter….Delaney’s performance gives us something to marvel at”

Brian Logan, The Guardian

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